Recovery Wild Childs authentic prescription for genuine happiness.You see, as a recovery wild child , you are provided for, you are loved and you are guided. When you work WITH The Child Within, you …
- GATZO is the release of our repressed mental repository our full palette of creativity
- and originality.
- authenticity
- A Recovery Wild Child is a person who journeys into the wilderness
- A denied
- A good parent self-reflects
- A pregnant woman knows she is shaping her child's future from the moment of conception. But she might not realise that the baby is already talking back.
- Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know
- Anxiety is the body’s way of responding to danger. It’s a survival mechanism designed to keep us alive.
- Are you living your life reacting to old wounds from your childhood?
- At an emotional level
- At the Stages we awake our child within
- Be thankful for your incredibly good fortune as a recovering wild child!
- Being present in the child withins life always has a double meaning.
- Beyond Birth: A Child's Cells May Help or Harm the Mother Long after Delivery
- Child Within was born bathed in a feeling state
- Children Who Hurt Themselves and Others
- Did You Exist Before You Were Born?
- Dissing is acquired awareness of what hurts a logical solution to an open question.
- Do you prefer to simply survive
- Fantasies of being rescued or being the rescuer abound. Knights
- Fellowships can become manifestations of the worst of the family system.
- For more years than can be counted
- GATZO why are we sacred?
- GATZOS have completed the most painful birth of all—the birth of the true child within.
- GATZOS have learned through hard experience that Recovery comes from the true child within.
- Healed of our addiction wounds
- I am clear
- In each of us
- In the Stages we come to recognise the sign of our dissociation our feeling of lacking a magic something that gives our lives flavour and meaning.
- Meditation is a simple but life-transforming skill that can help us to relax in our recovery
- No one can make us feel ANYTHING without our consent.
- Our Child Within has been groomed to listen to others but not themselves
- Our child within has had to learn to cope with erratic parenting or no parenting at all.
- Our child within once awakened is excited to wake up in the morning.
- Recovering our wild child Love. Romance. Passion. Intimacy.
- Recovery Wild Children are addicts. We are addicted to dissociation.
- Recovery Wild Childs authentic prescription for genuine happiness.
- Shadow self the hidden killer
- Stop betraying yourself. Allow yourself or start to be open to changing
- Teenagers addicted to their smartphones suffer from high levels of anxiety
- The Child Within can travel freely from one star to the next
- The Child Within is the holding bin of repressed trauma and thwarted creativity saved and buried
- The Child within has your back. You are supported
- The Children Within are forbidden to connect with their inner world and heal their traumatic pasts
- The Stages seeks a solution that moves us beyond our "painful inner dialogue." and out into the clear blue waters of recovery.
- The Ten Stages are studied recovery.
- The art of life is to stay wide open and be vulnerable
- The blindness of our traumas has blocked our vision and our motivation.
- The darker
- The deepest core feelings of the child within are grief
- The deepest trauma
- The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body
- Thus he spent his whole life searching for his own truth
- To re-evolve into our consciousness
- To the one who didn’t fit.
- We admit that we do have a child within that can heal and regain control over our life
- We always formulate heroes and saints to rescue us and give us meaning
- We arrive as unconditionally loving beings into a conditional world.
- We begin to sense that we have lost our way and our child hidden within.
- We believed in governments
- We compensated for lack of nurturing as a child by immersing ourselves in fantasy
- We have to endured the most painful birth of all during the stages study—the birth of the true self.
- We see daily how past traumas
- We the passionate recovered are the raw force of our own lives
- We the traumatised children are safe to broken parents
- We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
- We will find cases of children acting as if they did not belong in their families.
- We with differing addictions and behaviours
- What does Recovery mean? We believe that true recovery can only come when we learn to reprogram our own mind.
- What is a Recovery Wild Child we are visionaries who journey into the wilderness of our recovery
- What is addiction
- What is awareness?
- What new recovery story would we like to live shed of our old childhood coping strategies?
- What prevents us from being in our present moment?
- When I’m mindful about my food
- When we come into contact our child within
- Wild Child
- With our trauma buried in our child within
- across seas upon seas most dare not travel and most separate themselves from.
- and it threatens the still-traumatised
- and others.
- and uses this as her basis for nurturing those less mature on their journey toward autonomy.
- away from the comforts and compromises of the recovery norm
- but it remained hidden to him because he had learned at a very young age to hate himself
- but not a single human being can be taught to feel.
- depression
- distort the quality of our adult lives.
- doing
- dragons
- emotional discovery and emotional acceptance of the truth in the individual and unique history of our childhood
- focused and unruffled.
- from one dream to another
- from their heart to yours
- inflicted in childhood
- insomnia and impulsiveness
- it WILL shake things up.
- most notably by our parents
- need an alternative to the recovery norm which is stuck in a destructive rut.
- once you make contact
- or do you want to truly live?
- really?
- romance novels- getting high from fantasy becomes habit.
- saying and thinking things that feel right.
- suffering child. We have all had times of difficulty as children and many of us have experienced trauma.
- there is a young
- this deeper intelligence that connects us to our dreams and creativity
- to life itself
- to tangle with raw addiction
- to the subtleties and beauty of instant life.
- toxic shame and loneliness.
- unacknowledged purpose of being married with children is to create a vehicle for passing on denied trauma.
- wake up and gain our true life
- we are doomed to hurt ourselves
- we are still children. We cannot forget that the child’s worst fear is abandonment.
- we believed in male versus female
- we believed in racial superiority and inferiority
- we prayed to gods to save us
- wounded and rage-filled child within runs our lives.
Recovering our wild Childs Love, Romance, Passion and Intimacy.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Recovering our wild child Love, Romance, Passion, Intimacy. experiences in loving-kindfulnessThese words, when experienced fully, make our lives full of genuine self worth. Yes – you can be happy bei…
Teenagers addicted to their smartphones suffer from high levels of anxiety, depression, insomnia and impulsiveness
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Teenagers addicted to their smartphones suffer from high levels of anxiety, depression, insomnia and impulsiveness: 'via Blog this' The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of rec…
STAGE ONE OF THE TEN STAGES:Shadow Self our hidden killer
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We admit that the traumas buried in our unconscious rule our lives, makes us powerless to embody the truth, and drives us to act out in ways destructive to ourselves, to others:Our Constructed make u…
Wild Child, Children Who Hurt Themselves and Others
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Wild Child, Children Who Hurt Ourselves and Others"I blame the parents""This is obviously a cry for help.""If the parents were just held responsible - this kind of thing would never happen.""The frui…
Did You Exist Before You Were Born? by David R. Hamilton Ph.D. - HealYourLife
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Did You Exist Before You Were Born? by David R. Hamilton Ph.D. - HealYourLife: 'via Blog this'…
What new recovery story would we like to live shed of our old childhood coping strategies?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Growing up, many of us have learned that in order to receive love from our parents or our primary caretaker, there is a certain way we had to behave. And we also learned that there were ways that we …
Our Child Within has been groomed to listen to others but not themselves
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our Child Within has been groomed to listen to others but not themselves, certainly not to their feelings. Feelings are to be distrusted. We are trained to think out and then over-think our actions a…
Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people but …
Child Within was born bathed in a feeling state, this deeper intelligence that connects us to our dreams and creativity, to the subtleties and beauty of instant life.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Child Within was born bathed in a feeling state, this deeper intelligence that connects us to our dreams and creativity, to the subtleties and beauty of instant life. But then eventually they are sep…
Our child within, is in no way shackled by the linear, disconnected routes most adults restrict themselves to
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our child within, is in no way shackled by the linear, disconnected routes most adults restrict themselves to, comfortably adventured across the conventional chasm separating seeming strangers and in…
Our child within once awakened is excited to wake up in the morning.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our child within once awakened is excited to wake up in the morning. Open to surprise, wandering through our home drawn to the next thing capturing our attention. Maybe it’s the dog, or a new toy, o…
A pregnant woman knows she is shaping her child's future from the moment of conception. But she might not realise that the baby is already talking back.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A pregnant woman knows she is shaping her child's future from the moment of conception. But she might not realise that the baby is already talking back. Mother and child are engaged in a silent chemi…
Being present in the child withins life always has a double meaning.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Being present in the child withins life always has a double meaning. There's present, as in here, in attendance. And there's present, as in now, a moment of time. What is the child within practice of…
Beyond Birth: A Child's Cells May Help or Harm the Mother Long after Delivery - Scientific American
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Beyond Birth: A Child's Cells May Help or Harm the Mother Long after Delivery - Scientific American: 'via Blog this'…
What prevents us from being in our present moment?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our reactive thinking prevents us from being in the present moment. From our earliest life encounters, our reactive thoughts create storylines about our experiences. We bring our cognitive and emotio…
What is awareness?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We have been told that awareness is that part of us that perceives, observes and witnesses our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and body—the clothing awareness puts on—and we need to discover what is u…