It's pretty much impossible for us to know who we are if we are not in contact our child within.
And not just our small self, I'm talking about our Authentic Self. That part of us the child within that knows our truth, that wants life to be fulfilling, that part of us that is literally dying to express itself.
But if we do not express that our child within, then others won't be able to see it. And you won't be able to see how powerful that part of you truly is. Many of us keep our child hidden because we are afraid that we are going to stir the pot too much. Or that we are going to be made wrong. Or that we are going to be judged, ridiculed or made fun of. That is our experience of childhood
Perhaps we bought into a story that one of our parents, friends, teachers or family members told us. Something like, "You'll never be good at this or that." And so we shut down, and in that moment we think that they are putting us in our place, but really we are putting ourselves there by agreeing with them.
When we come into contact our child within, it WILL shake things up.
Some people will applaud us. Others will shun us. The truth about life is that we either grow together or we grow apart. And since we are constantly growing spiritually if we are on the Path, that means that some people are in our lives for a season, or a reason or a lifetime. Celebrate those that you can journey with; they will be there for your whole life. And don't be afraid to let go of those folks who aren't growing with you, sometimes it's best to Love certain people from afar. And that's okay too.
The thing that we want to keep our minds set on is keeping contact our Authentic and Loving Child Within. This takes study at the stages. This WILL rock the boat, and this is probably the most important decision we could ever make in our lives. Because everything else revolves around how we see ourselves and then, as a result, how others see us.
If you aren't seeing your child within manifesting around you, ask yourself, "What do I REALLY believe about me and what’s possible in my life?" "Am I expressing my Truth?" "Am I showing others who I REALLY am, or am I living a lie to get approval or Love?"
Answering these questions will help you come closer to living your Authentic Truth. Contact the Child Within and feel real liberation and love.
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