Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: No one can make us feel ANYTHING without our consent.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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No one can make us feel ANYTHING without our consent.  We are the ones keeping ourself stuck in negative relationships. We outsource...
No one can make us feel ANYTHING without our consent.

 We are the ones keeping ourself stuck in negative relationships. We outsource the blame to others many times because we are afraid of change and because it's SO much easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility for the circumstance and then risk facing the unknown.

But being able to face the unknown is what our recovery is calling us to do on a child within level. Love is what you were born to have, but you will never have it if you don't love yourself enough to take responsibility for the circumstances in your life and understand that you are continuing to choose your way into them. Even if you are in a situation that was totally outside of your control at first, your choice to stay in that circumstance, in that mindset and in that pattern is up to you.

The choice to change is yours in every moment.

Many times, we are so busy blaming other people that we don't see that we hold ourselves hostage within this blame. We have been given the incredible power of choice: to choose our life and to co-create it with the Loving Universe that has our back. We have forgotten in those dark moments that everything happens FOR us instead of TO us. We have forgotten that the only things holding us back in life are not our circumstances, but our beliefs about our circumstances. And when we change our beliefs and take constant and persistent action toward them – we change our lives for GOOD!

If you are stuck in blaming other people, make a list of all the things you blame them for. Then turn it around and see that it is you who is keeping yourself hostage with this blame. The idea is not to blame yourself now – no, no, no! The idea is to take your power back by taking responsibility for the circumstance and then asking what you actually want. From there, you can create a new belief system and pattern of action that brings about what you really want.

So, how can you take your power back today? Who have you been blaming and when would NOW be a good time to change?


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