Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Stop being their abused child...understand that there isn't a single one of them who will ever save you or make things better.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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For more years than can be counted, and most especially in the times of modern media, we have been taught and have almost naturally lea...
For more years than can be counted, and most especially in the times of modern media, we have been taught and have almost naturally learned to trust this figure of government, media, and big industry as if they were some kind of parent like figure with our best interests in mind. 

They tell us what is happening and mould and modify our world to supposedly make it more and more correct for us, and we trust and trust and trust, and yet we are truly like poor children, completely abused and psychologically tortured by this psychopathic parent who, more than not give a shit about us, they literally want to turn us into something that is sub-human, powerless and ignorant. 

They have a plan and no qualms about it not being in our best interests, because it is in their best interests. And we, as children, so attached to this malignant system cannot even fathom the complexity or the reasons for such a thing, so we just continue to trust and trust to our detriment, even at times, with the evidence that we shouldn't. We follow along because this parent is all we know. We will defend and protect it till no end...because we are powerless babies and they have created this reality for us and we think that it is all we have to hold onto.

Stop being their abused child...understand that there isn't a single one of them who will ever save you or make things better. Our path is not written in the stars for us...this is not the path to our salvation on this Earth. Our salvation exists beyond this falsity that they have created, and they know that, that is why they fight so hard for your mind and your emotions. Don't give it away so easily, if even at all!...


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