There is no shame in feeling emotional pain. We all feel unbearable emotional pain in our human life at some point but we usually suffer along at a repressed ebb by avoiding, distracting and suppressing our feelings, instead of turning towards the core emotional pain of being human with strength and presence.
Regardless of whether or not we have had a difficult childhood or challenging life circumstances to heal, there is an emotional pain that we all experience when we come as souls into human bodies.
We arrive as unconditionally loving beings into a conditional world. As children we become conditioned into the emotional patterns within our family of origin. And no matter how emotionally whole our parents were, we all will feel unloved in some aspects of ourselves.
As unbounded babies and open-hearted children we absorb the unspoken emotional energies of those that we live with. We learn quickly, what we are allowed to feel and who we are allowed to be - and not to be.
We conform to our surroundings so we can belong, yet there is an inherent quotient of emotional pain that we all need to bear for being human in a world that cannot unconditionally love us in all the ways we need.
We grow up learning to love ourselves only to the level that our parents were able to see us. We reject everything else inside that could not be seen and loved. We can live our entire lives shutting down important aspects of our being because our parents could not see or accept them. Ignoring our gifts as others have in the past causes great emotional pain.
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